Thursday, August 26, 2010

In 1957, a Canadian Cancer Society volunteer in Toronto by the name of Fran Shannon decided to sell daffodils to raise funds for the Canadian Cancer Society.  First year they
sold to the famous restaurant and big hotels and they earned $1200.

2010 Election Result

6 Seats are required  for victory. In the election results, the Coalition won 72 seats, The Labor Party 71 seats, Independents 4 seats and Greens 1 seat. Unfortunately, according to these results can not be any party in power alone.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Living in Australia

I like living in Australia. I have many reasons for this.
First of all,  I can say there is a freedom of thought, also human rights, especially rights of women in Australia.
The health system is better than other countries. Australia is a multi-cultural country. So I have an  opportunity to meet people from different cultures. The community services are perfect. As an example we can mention  the  interpreting services. There are various training courses and free language courses provided for people. Government agencies are very organized and fast. There are unemployment benefits in Australia. Also Australia is a very beautiful  country.

Negative things: 
People wait too long to be examined in  hospital and by specialist doctors.
 Public transport may be better. Work qualifications are not always recognised.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Election 2010

This Saturday  elections will be held in Australya. There are 2 parties and one of them is Liberal Party and the leader is Tony Abbott, the other  is Labour Party and the leader is Julia Gillard.
 I don't know who will win. I think Julia Gillard is ahead then Tony Abbott because she is first woman Prime Minister of Australia.

Thursday, August 12, 2010


My name is Sakine. I don't have any superstitions but I believe in my dreams. I don't know if this is a superstitions or not.  My mother passed away 14 years ago. Before she doesn't die two days ago she had a dream about her life and she said "I will die " after two day she died.

Thursday, August 5, 2010


My name is Esmeray. This is my first blog. My teacher helped to creat this blog and I'm greatful for that.
 I say thank you very much to her. I hope I will develop my blogging skills with practice.